Food In Korea (푸드 인 코리아)
What to eat in Korea. Where to eat in Korea. The best Korean food and where to get it. Want to cook in Korea? Here are some great Korean recipes tried and tested. (한국에서 무엇을 먹을까. 한국에서 식사하는 곳. 최고의 한국 음식과 그것을 어디서 구해야 하는지. 한국에서 요리하고 싶으세요? 여기 몇 가지 훌륭한 한국 요리법이 있다.)
Bar 81: The Largest Champagne Collection In Asia Is HERE In Seoul!
Looking for a unique experience in Seoul? Want to plan the best date night? Looking for where to celebrate an anniversary in Seoul? Bar 81 in SIGNIEL Seoul, the tallest hotel in Korea, is the experience you need to have this year. Bar 81 is an upscale champagne bar in the tallest building in Korea that features the largest champagne collection in Asia. Not only is SIGNIEL Seoul the tallest hotel in Korea, but it’s second tallest hotel in the world! Take in a breathtaking view out over the Han River and all the way to Namsan Tower and beyond while you sip and sup in style. Live it up…
Hyesun House: How To Make Makgeolli At Home
In my trajectory of living in Korea and learning to cook and make various Korean side dishes, meals, and so on, I never once considered making my own makgeolli (막걸리), or rice wine… until recently. While I think the rice wine moniker really isn’t the best fit for what is really a farmer’s unfiltered grain alcohol, I do love the drink itself. This year, I started teaming up with Julia Mellor of The Sool Company to create collaborative tours that, I must say, are really unique and offer a special way to learn more about Korean culture but also see some beautiful places and spaces like Sansawon and the Bae…
What Is Laver aka Gim? The Korean Superfood That Is On Every Restaurant Table
Gim, a kind of seaweed also called laver, has been one of my favorite foods that I learned to eat while living in Korea. Seaweed is quite the superfood and has tons of health benefits and laver is so yummy to boot. If you’re wondering what is laver, what is gim, what’s the difference and what kind of seaweed it is, then you came to the right place. Laver is often gifted for holidays in Korea because it is just that important and so oft eaten in Korea so whether you’re coming here or are just looking for a healthy superfood to add to your diet, it’s something you should…
Sansawon Museum & Baesangmyeon Brewery: The Hanok To See & Try Traditional Korean Liquor
Just northeast of Seoul in Pocheon is one of the most beautiful and also traditional Korean liquor breweries you can find in Korea. Sansawon (전통술박물관 산사원) is a museum and tasting room just next to a beautiful brewery called Baesang,yeon (배상면주가) that features traditional onggi pots, those giant brown earthenware pots you see around Korea, that create a maze to wind through before ending up at a beautiful Hanok building and pavilion where you can laze away the afternoon. I’d heard of Sansawon a few times over the years and was intrigued by the pictures but just never found the time to get up there… until recently. Want to take…
Guide To Korean Teas: What They’re Good For & When To Drink Them
While most of the world views tea as a beverage made by putting hot water on some type of leaf, Koreans seem to make tea with anything and everything they can put hot water on. Hot water on flowers? Why not? Hot water on some roots from the garden? Definitely. Because of this, traditional tea houses can have long rather substantial lists of teas. It can be overwhelming. It took me forever to remember the names of the Korean teas that I enjoyed and go figure, I often forget when it comes to seeing boxes of teas in the market. Since I’ve taken numerous a tourist to a traditional tea…
Dalgona Coffee: What It Is, Where It Came From, & Why What You’re Making, Isn’t It!
When you could just make a cup of coffee in less than five minutes, why not spend the next twenty to thirty making dalgona coffee? While Koreans know what dalgona is and where it started, most foreigners don’t despite the challenge’s viral success. I was recently invited out to a cafe in Seoul that makes legit dalgona coffee based off of real Korean dalgona and, surprise!, it is NOT what you’re making at home. They wanted to get the word out about dalgona and asked me to help. Spoiler: The coffee you’re whipping is actually based off an Indian coffee drink, not Korean at all. Mind blown? Yeah, let’s get…
Three Tips For Healthy Eating in Korea
Being healthy while traveling can be difficult for the unprepared. Imagine moving abroad and just not knowing where to start. Many foreigners and expats that come to Korea have common issues after they first arrive and many of them are related to health. Is it possible to be healthy in Korea? What Korean foods are healthy? What Korean foods aren’t healthy? Where can I find healthy foods? Where can I get organic food? There are so many questions and so I’ve invited Dawn Wheeler to share her vast knowledge on the subject. It is completely possible to be healthy in Korea… if you know where to find the natural foods…
The Cold Korean Soups Calling My Name In The Summer
When summer hits Korea, it can be pretty hot, humid and sweaty… well for the foreigners anyway. My Korean husband seems to only sweat when he’s eating hot soup. While traditional Korean belief promotes the idea of iyeol chiyeol (이열치열), or the idea of controlling heat with heat which means that Koreans eat HOT soups on the HOTTEST of days in order to feel cooler, not all Korean summer soups are hot. Some of my favorite summer meals in Korea are when we sit down to lunch on a delightfully cool bowl of Korean soupy goodness that may or may not also have some ice cubes floating around too. Looking…
Korean Eating: The Winter Delicacy Known as Gwamegi
Interested in Korean food? Want to try a Korean delicacy that a lot of people have never tried before? Wait until winter, and this is the Korean dish you need to check out. Gwamegi (과메기), or Pacific herring, is a fishy Korean treat that is something that I always look forward to when the temperatures get cool. If you like seafood, then you’ll want to find this Korean dish this winter in Korea. Just make sure you’re headed to the southern coasts to try it because that’s where it’s the best. Here’s what to know about gwamegi, the Korean winter delicacy: (This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive…
Where To Eat In Myeongdong: 90 Years Of History At Hadongkwan
While the majority of visitors to the hopping shopping district of Myeongdong are there looking for the newest shiniest thing from apparel to cosmetics, there is more to Myeongdong than meets the eye. Walk down the alleys in the area and you’ll find the newest of shopping vendors and stores, but you’ll also find some old gritty spots that have lasted the test of time. Looking for something to eat in Myeongdong? You should definitely find the tried and tested Hadongkwan (하동관). This Korean soup restaurant is delicious… you’ll see. How you know a restaurant is good? It’s old and only has a few things on the menu: (This post…
Korean Hangover Cures: The Drinks, Soups, and More!
Have you enjoyed a night out in Seoul before? If you have, then you know that nightlife in Korea is insane. There are Korean drinking games and will go until sunrise. Before the Hangover Popsicle was introduced, Koreans already had some hangover cures up their sleeves that, I can say from experience, work pretty well. With numerous alcoholic beverages available at varying price points from as cheap as W1,000 and sold at convenience stores in Korea, it’s no wonder that people are out having a party constantly. You can even have that party on chairs and tables right outside of the convenience store itself. Oh the convenience and trouble that…
Gwangjang Market: How To Get There & What To Eat
Gwangjang Market (광장시장) is one of the largest traditional markets in Korea and was even featured on Netflix’s Chef’s Table. If you’re in the city for any amount of time and looking for one of the best places to eat in Seoul, this is a must visit. Gwangjang traditional market is a well known market for fabric and Hanboks, but it’s also known for eats eats eats and it’s not just visited by tourists, but locals frequent Gwangjang Market, too. The market is one of my top recommendations for tourists, visitors, friends, and family when it comes to where to eat in Seoul. I just love it… and here’s why……
Noryangjin Fish Market: A Guide For What To See & What To Order
Noryangjin Fish Market (노량진수산물도매시장) is one of top things to see in Seoul. It is the BIGGEST fisheries market in Seoul. Centrally located, Seoul’s most popular fish market is a great spot to check out for lunch or dinner and is great on an itinerary for Seoul but make sure you know what you’re getting into. Get ready to visit the Noryangjin Fish Market with the names of fish in Korean, the tours to take, and more. There’s a lot to know about Noryangjin Market. Here’s what to know: (This page contains affiliate links. That means if you click on them and purchase something, I will get a percentage of…
Korean Food: What to Know About Oritang
While it looked similar and it had duck as the main ingredient, it wasn't as thick as the oritang that I had become accustomed to eating in the north. My father-in-law explained that this was actually oritang and what I had wanted based on my description was oribaesuk (오리백숙). I had never heard of the latter and was sure that my teacher friends had always ordered the former, but it seems there is quite a difference.
Korean Food: Dakgaejang Is The Spicy Chicken Soup You Need To Try
Always preferring to stop at an actual restaurant with good food over the nearest highway rest area with so-so fare, while still in Chungcheongnam-do on our way back from the coast in Anmyeondo, Korea, we decided to make a pit-stop in Dangjin for dakgaejang (닭개장) or spicy chicken soup. While you may not have heard of this spicy soup, you’ve probably heard of her big brother yukgaejang (육개장) or spicy beef soup. If you like yukgaejang, I bet you’ll love dakgaejang. This spicy Korean chicken soup is refreshing and if you happen to see it on a menu, order it I tell you! (This post contains affiliate links, which means…
Korean Eating: Let’s Eat Feet!
Two Korean dishes that I personally enjoy fairly commonly are made up entirely of feet. In Korea, chicken feet is made with a spicy red pepper sauce and if you're lucky they have already been de-boned.